(taken by Desiree of http://www.sofawned.com/ )
Giovanni Michael Berardi
A name I wasn't too sure of until the minute we saw him but it's so perfect now.
The second time around I was definitely a lot more comfortable. Comfortable in my pregnancy and my birth. We had photos taken during the birth. I am going to share some, so avoid those for the squeemish. I've blurred some of the unnecessaries ;) I personally find them beautiful and empowering, then again it's my birth, so you may feel differently.
I actually had acupuncture to induce my labour the day before he was born. He was due the day my best friend passed away. The one year anniversary and I just couldn't have that. I just knew deep in my heart that would happen and even her mom assured me it would just be like one life ending so another could start. I couldn't help feeling like every year on his birthday I would have a piece of me weeping. I didn't want that for him.
So 2 days before he was due I got the acupuncture. Which evidently works.
The night before, the same as Collin I had that tight then release feeling in my tummy.
But it was very mild and again I slept all night. The next morning around 10:30 am I called my boyfriend and said " mmm I think I am going into labour, so you may want to head over."
I didn't rush anything or call my midwife because labour takes HOURS right? Wrong. So very wrong. Mike got here about 20 minutes later and I was in the shower with Collin. I was crippled over in pain and could barely move. This wasn't normal to me. Collin had taken hours, I walked my dogs, not going to happen this time. Mike helped me from the shower and I got Mike to call my nana and tell her she needed to come get Collin, as per the plan.
I called my midwife and left her a message when I could muster the breath.
I called http://www.sofawned.com/ to let her know the little man was on the way, but I got her machine too. Mike called his sister and said the baby was on the way. So she walked over . No one not even I understood how fast this baby was coming.
I laid on the couch screaming, poor Collin tried to lay on my stomach with me and I was screaming " GET HIM OFF, GET HIM OFF!" He was pretty frightened. My Nana showed up to get him, this I barely recall.
My midwife Lisa came then Elena showed up ( Mike's sister ). I was so grateful when all was said and done to have these people there. They kept me calm, took disgusting photo's, held my hand, and did whatever needed to be done. I was apparently just laying on the couch screaming. ( Mike, I do believe had been sent off to get supplies from Lisa's car ) She checked me and I wasTEN cm dilated. It was time to move me to my bed. I've been in labour maybe 40 mins now.
From the beginning we had planned a home birth I was excited to lay in my own tub, sit in my bed and let it all progress.
So we moved to my bed and she went to check me again, and my water literally exploded. I felt mortified. It splattered on her and I blurted " EWWWWWW! Gross! " . Labour makes you say some strange things.
She went to leave the room, possibly to clean herself off and I yelled " NO I need to push! "
She walked back and said " oh wow, yes you do, his head is crowning. "
I took one deep breathe and pushed his head out. As I did that you could HEAR the rip. I pushed once more, reached down and pulled up my baby. It was 11:49 am. This baby came into this world with such a rush and such force and it is still how he is to this day. If he wants to do something no one will stand in his way. He does this according to his plan not anyone else's.
I tore quite bad with Vaughn, I still don't understand why I wasn't sewn up. No one warns you about the peeing after, or the pooping, or showering. How horrible it stings. My word it is worse than giving birth!
I feel terrible for those of you with the 24hr + birth stories but for those of you with the one hour birth stories I feel for you too. Your body does not have the time to prepare for what it goes through in one hour. I always loved that Collin was 4 hours, but one hour. I do not hope for this again.
I got an infection in my uterus after, I couldn't sit properly for 2 months after, I bled for 12 weeks straight eventhough he was the best breastfeeder out there and all the while he had colic.
My midwives speculate that " the next one " will probably be even shorter. Lord willing it will not!
I loved having a homebirth and would never plan another one at a hospital. It is the best atmosphere you could ask for in your most private of moments.
At birth he looked just like his daddy, and now he looks just like me. He's such a beautiful free-spirited little dude.
I love my boys. I loved their births. It is such a powerful moment that I am so happy to share .

ok, that scared me... amazing still, but :O
ReplyDeleteyeah..one hour is NOT the way to go. I do appreciate that it wasn't days of labour but I wouldn't chose this lol
ReplyDeleteIt was so quick that I RAN across downtown and didn't make it in time!
ReplyDeleteAnd it's so true about the homebirth -- I'd NEVER have a babe in the hospital!
Elena barely made it..hell Mike and the midwife barely made it in time. I thought Collin might be delivering. It would look good with the PHD he'll have one day :D