The kids found some pine cones on the ground at Collin's bus stop yesterday and desperately wanted to bring them home and they started to pick " special " ones. So I didn't want a pile of these flaking all over the house, but I couldn't make them toss away their special pine cones!! so quickly I grabbed some fallen branches and we set home with all the goods.

Collin showcased the branch

and we made a little outdoor mobile to hang above their toys. Collin didn't want any glitter etc he wanted it to look just like a tree!

This is how Collin sleeps every night...usually they're much more unorganized but since I just put new sheets on I line them up for him. I don't know how he sleeps in all the chaos but I think he'd die if I took them off his bed .

Man do I love green food! mmmm broccoli, asparagus, water chestnuts and chicken! Mmmm dinner. I wish I was eating this again right now haha

And Vaughn wanted everyone to see how long his Halloween pumpkin has lasted! I don't see this thing dying anytime soon either. It's a monster!
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