AHHHHHHHHH my fingers hurt!
I have made 11 of my centerpieces! I have about 6 more to do. Which is going to be a lot more money than I had ever anticipated. But they look beautiful and I like the feeling of doing them myself! I can't wait for everyone to see them. Mike and I BOTH love them. I would think normally guys don't care for centerpieces but since ours have nothing to do with flowers he's a little more into it.
We both have the worst allergies known to man so there will be NO flowers at this wedding! I'm sure people will be surprised. Being crafty pays off sometimes ;)
( although my fingers and wallet are paying for it )
Tomorrow after Collin gets off to school I need to buy some more things to finish of the centerpieces. And hopefully after that I can be done with them so my hands aren't mangled for my wedding lol.
I also need to REDO invites. The ones I finished way back in like october...The time needs to be changed on all of them. Meaning every one needs to be REPRINTED.
Originally we had intended on having everyone at our dinner but with time we realized that isn't financially possible. So we need to redo them and invited some people ( not immediate family and wedding party ) to the reception later in the evening. I'm hoping this somehow will work out.
We still need an MC. I think Mike is pretty keen on the idea of asking his father to do it. But he seemed pretty nervous at his daughters wedding for his speech. Although he did somewhat volunteer/sort of ask to do it a few months ago. So we'll see. It's not really something I had thought of but he's a big man, people will listen to him lol.
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