Sunday, March 7, 2010

A day well done

Gosh, what a beautiful day today! + 10 !!
It was so nice to be outside ALL day. I got some wedding things done and a lot of grocery shopping.

I took Vaughn to Chapters to play with the train set first. He LOVES it. We spent 45 mins playing with it. So cute. Then I got to drop him with my nana for his nap so I could head out
alone until Mike was off work. Where we then went BACK to Chapters for some wedding goods lol

When the kids were fast asleep I got to sit down for some artwork.

Then I made a delicious chili for dinner...mmmmmm
followed by dessert
a double layer chocolate cake with a chocolate chip cookie dough filling
topped with chocolate icing!


  1. Yummy!! I think I'll be visiting your blog more often... the food looks great and your kids are adorable :) It was warm here today too... +12 and the boys had so much fun outside! Thanks for stopping by my blog...

  2. G digs the trains too! But now she's more interested in pulling all the books off the shelves, ah well.
    That cake looks fantastic ^_^

  3. Why thank you! I look forward to your comments!

    Des the cake IS so good. It's unfortunate that it is that good lol
